


Tag: Medical Training

Choose Career Training Over a Traditional College! Choose Career Training Over a Traditional College!

Why ICH is a Great Alternative to a Traditional College As we begin the New Year, you are probably thinking, “What will I do this year?” When you consider your […]

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Pursue Your Veterinary Assistant Career,  with Integrity College of Health!

Monthly Start Dates – Enrollment is Open Now!        Do you love animals? Have you always wanted to work with animals and care for them? Have you considered training […]

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Are You Interested in a Career as an Ultrasound Technician?

ICH Offers a Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program! Are you interested in a career in the healthcare field? Have you considered training for a career as an Ultrasound Technician? If entering […]

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Featured Student Spotlight: Guadalupe Cerna, Medical Assistant Program

Are you interested in a potential healthcare career? Have you considered training for a career as a Medical Assistant? Medical Assistants assist doctors and nurses with direct patient care, and […]

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Give Yourself the Gift of a New Career!

Train for a Healthcare Career, with ICH      Are you ready for a change? You deserve more than a dead-end job. You deserve a career you can feel proud […]

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Choose ICH for your Vocational Nursing Training!

Get to Know our VN Program with this Instructor Spotlight,  Featuring ICH’s Director of Nursing Alice Sorrell-Thompson         Are you interested in a career as a nurse? A […]

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What Does a Medical Assistant Do?

A Day in the Life of a Medical Assistant      Are you interested in training for a great career in the healthcare field? Have you considered a career as […]

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Get to Know our Medical Assistant Program, with our Featured Student Spotlight Series

Are you interested in training for a career in healthcare? Have you considered training for a career as a Medical Assistant? Integrity College of Health offers a Medical Assistant training […]

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Get to Know our Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program, with our Featured Student Spotlight Series

Are you interested in a career as an Ultrasound Technician? If entering the field of Diagnostic Medical Sonography is interesting to you, Integrity College of Health  offers a Diagnostic Medical […]

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Choose ICH for your Medical Assistant Training!

Get to Know our MA Program, with this Instructor Spotlight,  Featuring MA Program Director Teri Weller Are you interested in a career as a medical assistant? A career as a […]

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