Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response
Because your safety and wellbeing is so important to us, please rest assured that Integrity College is closely monitoring the latest COVID-19 (also known as coronavirus) guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and taking all measures to safeguard the health of our students, faculty and staff.
It is important to note that no cases of COVID-19 have been reported at Integrity College. We will continue to follow state and federal guidance to inform our efforts to mitigate risk at our campuses.
Communication Sent to Students December 4, 2020
Greetings Integrity College of Health Students,
With COVID-19 (coronavirus) on the rise, flu season upon us and, the holidays fast approaching, we must continue to take proactive steps to maintain a safe environment for you and others while on campus. Due to the rise, it is imperative that we remind you that it is critical that you do not report to class or campus if you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID or you yourself are experiencing respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills or fatigue. Currently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that individuals remain at home until at least 24 hours after they are free of fever (100 degrees F or 37.8 degrees C) or signs of a fever without the use of fever-reducing medications.
EVERYONE is required to do the following:
- Stay home when you are sick (be sure to notify your instructor).
- Wash your hands frequently with warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds.
- Cover your mouth with tissues whenever you sneeze, and discard used tissues in the trash.
- Avoid people who are sick with respiratory symptoms.
- Clean frequently touched surfaces.
- Ensure you are wearing your masks and/or appropriate PPE gear while on campus at all times. (NEVER REMOVE YOUR MASK)
- Friends and family will not be permitted on campus, Only Students.
- Students will not be allowed to leave campus during breaks.
- Breaks will be limited to 5-10 minutes and should be done on an individual basis. (Only as needed)
- And lastly, practice social distancing whenever possible.
As additional information is received from our Health Officials, Governor or Mayor’s Offices, we will ensure that everyone is kept informed if there will be any changes or adjusts pertaining to COVID-19. We remain an essential business and continue to operate as such.
Please be advised effective Monday, December 7, 2020 the following measures will be put into effect.
For Integrity College of Health:
8-4:30 class- Your day should end by 2:40 pm due to the all day schedule please provide your students with limited breaks 5-10 minutes that should be done on an individual basis.
If your class starts at 6:00 pm and ends at 10:00 pm- Class will now end at 9:20pm
For MA
8-2:30- Your Class should end by 1 pm due to the all day schedule please provide your students with limited breaks 5-10 minutes that should be done on an individual basis.
If your class starts at 5:00 pm and ends at 10:00 pm- Class will now end at 9:10pm
For VN:
No changes if you are on a clinical site
If you are in a skills lab on campus Your day starts at 8:00 and should end by 2:40 pm
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your instructor.
Let’s be safe, think smart and watch out for one another.
LeeAnn Rohmann
Communication Sent to Students July 14, 2020
Dear ICH Students,
We have been monitoring the COVID-19 situation and wanted to provide you with an update after today’s news conference from Governor Newsom. It remains the same as the original written Order from the Health Officer “Educational institutions (including public and private k-12 schools, colleges and universities) for the purposes of facilitating distance learning or performing essential functions (limited lab), provided that social distancing is maintained to the greatest extent as possible.”
All students attending limited lab classes, VN Clinicals and Externships unless notified from the site, “they are ordered to close” we are to continue business as usual. We can still meet with individuals on a one-on- one basis for new student enrollment or any other essential duties that assist in any new students in getting them prepared for online learning. At this point, our staff positions remain essential and you should continue to report to work. We are committed to your health and safety and are monitoring and following the directives coming from local, state, and federal officials. It is IMPERATIVE you WEAR YOUR MASK when you are around others. It is for the safety of others and yourself.
Students, thank you for your commitment and dedication to reach and achieve the Education Goals you have set for yourself. I sincerely thank you staff, faculty and the community for serving our students.
LeeAnn Rohmann
Communication Sent to Students March 16, 2020
Dear ICH students,
As you know, information is constantly changing regarding COVID-19 and decisions/strategies are being implemented hourly throughout our country.
The Governor of California issued an executive order to cancel large, non-essential gatherings defined as 250 for the State. None of our campuses have more than 250 gathered at one time and we will remain open and monitor the situation very closely.
Beginning Monday we will utilize faculty and staff to accomplish the following:
- Effective March 16, ALL Students, staff and faculty will report to campus per their normal schedule. Staff and faculty will continue to work from campus.
- All VN Clinicals will report to their Campus instead of going to their site.
- During the week of March 16, the Director of Education, Program Directors and Corporate Registrar will convert all theory curriculum to an online environment. The environment will be “Live online” where the faculty and students attend the classes in an online environment together at the regularly scheduled times. Rather than the faculty being in from of the class they will be in an online environment with the students.
- Once this is completed, our goal is during the week of March 16 we will demonstrate to the students the online orientation during their class sessions to prepare the students to move to an online environment.
- If your area has access to the following internet provider see the following notice: Charter to Offer Free Access to Spectrum Broadband and Wi-Fi For 60 Days For New K-12 and College Student Households
- We will be prepared for classes to then be conducted in an online environment the week of March 23 should we be mandated to stop our on ground teaching.
- We will set a schedule for lab time or move to online simulation for the lab experience. (we’ll keep you posted)
- VN Clinicals will be held on campuses in skills lab and online simulations which are permissible by the BVNPT.
- Clinicals for all other programs will not be disrupted unless the site instructs the students that they have cancelled. Then the student should contact their campus if they receive that notice.
- All Staff and faculty will continue working at the campus unless otherwise notified during this period.
Attached (see email to students) is an a Student Online Readiness Survey to help us prepare for the distance/online learning. Please complete this and return it to Vella Masip as soon as possible.
We will continue to monitor and evaluate the status of the situation rigorously and communicate any changes via email and text. Please refer to this web page for the most recent updates.
Vella Masip
Director of Education
Integrity College of Health
For the most up to date information, visit the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and California Department of Public Health websites below:
• CDC’s Coronavirus Disease 2019 website
• CDPH’s Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) website

Below are some guidelines of what you can do right now.
- Wash your hands ─ thoroughly and constantly. Remind each other. Take pride in it. Make up silly songs that last the recommended 20 seconds so it won’t seem like such an eternity.
- If you have symptoms including fever, cough, or shortness of breath, contact your own doctor as soon as possible.
- Stay home if you are sick. If you are at school and feel sick, we encourage you to go home. If you are unable to do so, each campus has a designated sick room. Please ask your instructor about the location.
- Avoid personal travel, is possible, to any place where there is community spread of coronavirus, including in the U.S., because if you do so, it may become necessary for you to self-isolate before returning to class to avoid unwittingly spreading the virus to our community. You can find a constantly updated map of all reported cases by clicking here.